102201-P2 Raymond roadside tumbstone
Photo of the Raymond roadside tombstone. Photo by Jason Marzek

Investigation 102201

The Raymond California road side tombstone is categorized as an out of place item.

The Raymond tombstone is a random tombstone that is on the roadside of road 600. It has no known explanation of why it is there.


The tombstone is located on the roadside of road 600 by the Raymond general store parking lot, next to a traffic turn out.

Raymond Ca is a historical foothill community in Madera county. The tombstone sits on the roadside turn off, and in front of the parking lot of Raymond general store, 32196 Rd 600, Raymond, CA 93653. The tombstone is accessible to the general public. INVESTIGATION


The Raymond roadside tombstone is an out of place object along the roadside of 600 in Madera county.

The tombstone is by a parking lot far away from the nearest commentary. No other tombstones are near this one.

I discover this out of place object while at work. I saw the tombstone while delivering the general market. I used to park my truck in the turn out when the parking lot was full.

While unloading my equipment i noticed that there was a granite squire in the railroad tie retainer wall. upon closer inspection I noticed the writing on it. Then it hit me that it was in fact a tombstone. But why on the side of the road?

I went into the store to deliver my products. After finishing my job, I asked the lady at the counter about the tombstone. After asking her what the deal is with the tombstone by the road. She looked at me for a long minute, making direct eye contact. Than said “I don’t know what you’re talking about”.

She then immediately looked away and went back to work.

I had a weird vibe so I just left it alone.

It is hard to miss, especially if you are a local or work at this location.


The tombstone is a regular looking tombstone. It is the usual squire style that goes flat on the ground.

The tombstone inscription is as follows.




1889 – 1953

It is placed into the retainer wall of the parking lot of the general store. No other Tombstones are in the area.


I did some research on Henry S. Uhl on the internet. I came across a strange thing. I found a grave site belonging to Henry S. Uhl…in Los Angeles Ca. The tombstone is exactly like the one in Raymond ca, along with the roses etched on the right hand side of the stone. It has the same inscription and birth and death dates.

I did not find much else about Henry. There are several people named Henry

Raymond TUMBSTONE vs los Angeles TUMBSTONE 102201-P1
Henry Uhl tombstone. The top is from Los Angeles and the bottom is from Raymond ca. The Raymond grave marker is the one on the side of the road.

This is the link to billiongraves web page showing the grave of Henry in Los angles. It also has a great time line of Henry and what he would have witnessed in his life, in the world around him.


  • The tombstone was placed in the retainer wall to plug a small hole that matched its dimensions. There is a company down the road that makes tombstones.
  • It was put there as a practical joke.
  • There is a man named Henry S. Uhl and the stone is marking his resting place.
  • The area is known for its granite quarry, Maybe the tombstone was subpar and rejected, later finding its way in the retainer wall.


Raymond is a very old and historic town. The rail line is long gone but this was the end of the line. Traveler on their way to Yosemite National park would get off the train in Raymond.

From there the traveler would take a 24 hour stage ride into the national park.

Teddy Roosevelt repeatedly stayed in remand before going onward to Yosemite.

It is all but a ghost town now from its heyday, but still has a strong seance of community and pride from the people who still live there.

This is a town that you will be seeing on this website many more times. It has several repeatably haunted locations.


The roadside tombstone still remains a mystery.

who was Henry S. Uhl and why does he have 2 grave stones.

Join the investigation by sharing any information or your research.

all photos

Zoomed out photo of the Raymond roadside tumbstone
Zoomed out photo of the Raymond roadside tombstone. Taken across the street (road 600).
102201-P3 side view Raymond tumbstone
102201-P1 side view of the Raymond roadside tombstone. Shows it in the side of the retainer wall. Photo by Jason Marzek
102201-P2 Raymond roadside tumbstone
Photo of the Raymond roadside curbstone. Photo by Jason Marzek
Raymond TUMBSTONE vs los Angeles TUMBSTONE 102201-P1
Henry Uhl tombstone. The top is from Los Angeles and the bottom is from Raymond ca. The Raymond grave marker is the one on the side of the road.






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